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Jewish Grief Groups
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Grief and Faith After Loss

With Chana Weisberg

Due to a devastating diagnosis, after the birth of her two daughters, Chaya Hott was told she couldn't have any more children. A decade later, she was given the clearance for one more child. Her pregnancy ended with a son who passed away. Chaya speaks about her unfathomable grief, as well as hope and faith. Today, Chaya is the mother of a healthy baby boy.

Resilience and Pregnancy After Loss with Chaya Hott

With Aimee Baron, MD
I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Chaya Hott joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

-strategies on how she got through the crippling anxiety of that pregnancy
-how rainbow babies don’t “fix” grief
-how to hold joy and grief at the same time (especially in light of the war in Israel) 
-why it’s still painful when people ask her if she’s going to have any more children
-how she was able to heal from some of her triggers

My Stillbirth Story - Live with Chaya Hott

With Aimee Baron, MD
I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

From a clot diagnosed in her teens, dealing with osteoporosis in her twenties, to being mismanaged by multiple medical providers, Chaya’s story of heartbreak with her stillbirth was the culmination of so many years of misunderstanding and pain.

In this episode, we learn about how she dealt with the pain and the grief, what kind of support she sought and what was helpful and not so helpful, and how she dealt with her faith in Gd during those hardships.

She is warm, honest, and vulnerable, and it’s a honor to have her share so publicly here for the first time. 

Chaya Hott - Transforming Grief into Joy, Pain into Purpose

With Nechama Laber
The G.R.O.W Connection Network

G.R.O.W. Connection Circles for Geulah with a Global Circle of sisters
Daily Tehillim, G.R.O.W. Bitachon with The Gate of Trust.

The G.R.O.W Connection Network is a global community of women supporting the spiritual and emotional growth of Jewish women & girls worldwide.

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